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Relationship Counselling

Couples having difficulties relating to One Another

Arguments always seem to be one sided where one partner makes all the noise as the other quietly tries to keep the peace. It’s possible that you both have a problem expressing your feelings, but together you are able to reassure each other that emotions can be managed. All relationships go through difficult times – it’s how you make sense of those times that makes the difference between remaining together or deciding to go your separate ways.

How I work with Couples

Each course of therapy is uniquely tailored to the couples presenting issues and particular needs. I may ask couples to try out certain strategies in the hope that each individual will begin to communicate in a more objective way whilst facilitating open dialogue and active listening skills between each partner so that more of an empathetic understanding of one another is achieved.

I work with couples of varying orientations, heterosexual, LGBTQ+; married or co-habiting; separating or divorcing; with or without children to consider.

What are the Benefits?

The benefits of couple counselling are variable due to each couple being a unique dynamic. No couple operate in the same way. Some of the results can be surprising to each partner as the therapeutic process unfolds. Couple counselling can help you to:-

  • Identify repressed attitudes towards one another.
  • Highlight dysfunctional patterns of communicating.
  • Help to resolve difficult conflicts.
  • Achieve authentic ways of communicating without fear or anxiety.
  • Increase awareness, empathy and understanding.


Relationship Counselling in Hertfordshire

I understand that your personal journey is just as vital as your relationship. That’s why I use a blend of psychodynamic and person-centred theories in my relationship Hertfordshire.  When we understand our own personal issues, we are better able to understand our partner’s unique challenges.  We can discuss ways in which are better able to take care of yourselves too.  Healthy relationships are mutual, with room for both people’s needs. Together you can help support each other through such challenges and unresolved personal issues that combine to make you a unique couple dynamic.

My relationship counselling based in Hertfordshire, centres primarily on the couple dynamic whilst being aware of each individual’s needs.  I delve deep into the heart of your relationship, providing professional insights and strategies from an integrative counselling psychotherapy approach. Relationship counselling can be challenging at times. One of my main objectives is to make you feel safe in a non-judgemental space.  A space where you both can feel comfortable expressing your feelings.

You may benefit from relationship counselling if you are struggling with:

  • Conflicted Attachment Styles
  • Co-dependence
  • Betrayal
  • Infidelity
  • Anger
  • Boredom
  • Distance between the two of you that has built up over many years
  • Different parenting styles
  • Stressful factors at home
  • Partners who have ADHD: finding ways to better communicate with each other
  • Resolving historical issues without fear of judgement or animosity
  • Renewed trust and understanding


Communication and Understanding

If your relationship feels broken, there is hope.  When you attend my relationship counselling in Hertfordshire face to face or online, I can help you understand yourself and your partner and the intricate dynamics of your relationship.  Gaining insight into the challenges of your relationship can help you to overcome those hurdles to bring you both close again. The benefits of my relationship counselling can equip your relationship with the tools to navigate healthy communication, build trust, and re-establish intimacy. Healthy relationships involve honesty, trust, respect and open communication between partners, and they take effort and compromise from both people.  There is no imbalance of power. Partners respect each other’s independence, can make their own decisions without fear of retribution or retaliation, and share decisions.

Neurodivergent Couples

I also offer relationship counselling in Hertfordshire to neurodivergent couples. I have both personal and clinical experience of both ADHD and ASD. I can help you to avoid reactivity and criticisms of character and talk to the best in your partner.  Accept and reframe your partner’s behaviours and avoid personalising or taking to heart matters unintended to hurt. Turn frustration into compassion, understanding and gratitude.

Relationship Counselling Separate Ways

Deciding to end a relationship is difficult, no matter what your circumstances are. For those of you who have decided to go your separate ways, relationship counselling for breakups becomes an opportunity not only to form an understanding of what has happened, but to begin to heal, by rediscovering and connecting with yourself again.  I can help equip you with coping skills during the grieving process that many former couples may experience.  Those who have started families may also want to address tangible aspects of the separation including co-parenting children.